"Savior Complex" (Max) Club Discussion Guide

Savior Complex on MAX

Episode 1: "God Doesn't Call the Qualified, He Qualifies the Called"

Overview: In this episode, disturbing allegations are made about an American missionary and her involvement in the medical care of children at her charity in Uganda.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What were your initial impressions of the American missionary, Renee Bach, and her charity's work in Uganda?

  2. How did the episode portray the concept of "white saviorism" and the challenges associated with it?

  3. What do you think about the allegations made against Renee Bach and her role in the medical care of children?

  4. Discuss the ethical and cultural dilemmas presented in the episode. How should organizations like Renee's charity navigate these issues?

  5. Were there any moments or scenes that particularly stood out to you? Why?

Themes and Takeaways: Explore themes such as cultural sensitivity, the responsibilities of foreign missionaries, and the importance of local leadership in aid work.

Related Media and Further Reading:

  1. Documentary  Sewing Hope: This documentary tells the story of Sister Rosemary Nyirumbe, who helps young girls who have been abducted by the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda. It highlights the importance of education and empowerment in Uganda.

  2. Article: Children and youth in Uganda

Action Items: 

  1. Email Congress to Reauthorize the READ Act

  2. Panel Discussion: Invite experts or guest speakers to participate in a panel discussion at your school.

Episode 2: "Cast the First Stone"

Overview: In this episode, a Ugandan activist and a former missionary join forces to expose the dangers of white saviorism and shut down the charity for good.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the collaboration between the Ugandan activist and the former missionary change the dynamics of the story?

  2. What role does activism play in addressing issues related to white saviorism and unethical practices in charity work?

  3. Discuss the challenges they faced in their efforts to shut down the charity. What obstacles did they encounter?

  4. Did this episode change your perspective on white saviorism and its impact on the communities it aims to help?

  5. What do you think are the long-term consequences of exposing and addressing issues like the ones discussed in this episode?

Themes and Takeaways: Explore themes related to the power of advocacy and the importance of local voices in addressing global issues.

Related Media and Further Reading: 

  1. Spotify podcast: In response to HBO's documentary series "White Savior," which explores a white missionary's unqualified clinic management in Uganda, we discuss the white savior complex's impact on global development. We also examine a Devex article on achieving a goal of directing 25% of eligible funds to local partners by 2025. Devex President Raj Kumar and global strategy leader Nasra Ismail join this podcast episode to explore these topics and their relevance to making genuine change in lower-income countries within the global development sector.

Action Items: 

  1. Email Congress to Support End Tuberculosis Now Act

  2. Reach out to fellow students, clubs, or community organizations to collaborate and mobilize support for an event or fundraiser.

Episode 3: "Reap What You Sow"

Overview: In this episode, working with an Ugandan attorney, two mothers who lost their children file a lawsuit against Renee Bach and her clinic.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How did the legal action taken by the mothers impact the story? What were the challenges they faced in seeking justice?

  2. Discuss the role of the Ugandan attorney in this episode. How important was his expertise and support for the mothers' case?

  3. What are the ethical implications of missionary work that involves medical care, especially when carried out by individuals without proper medical training?

  4. How do you feel about the resolution of this legal case? Do you think justice was served?

  5. Reflect on the broader implications of this story for the international charity and missionary sectors.

Themes and Takeaways: Explore themes related to accountability, justice, and the responsibilities of organizations operating in foreign countries.

Related Media and Further Reading: 

  1. Status Report on Child Rights in Uganda

  2. Invisible Children

Action Items: 

  1. Email Your Senators to Support the SAFE Act

  2. Educational Workshop: Host a workshop or seminar to educate your peers about the white savior complex, ethical charity practices, or the challenges in global development.


November Theme: Fundraising


Sept 8 Event: International Literacy Day