A Heartfelt Thank You to Little Man Ice Cream: Celebrating a Sweet Partnership

We are beyond grateful to our friends at Little Man Ice Cream for their unwavering support and generosity. Last week they flew out our Co-Founder and Uganda Director, Collines, to speak at their annual Scoop Camp. This incredible opportunity allowed Collines to share her life story and the transformative impact of our school meals program, which Little Man Ice Cream has significantly supported since 2016 through their inspiring Scoop For Scoop program.

Collines’ Inspiring Story at Scoop Camp

At Scoop Camp, Collines captivated the audience with her powerful story. She spoke about her journey, the challenges faced by children in rural Uganda, and the crucial role that school meals play in their lives. For many students at Global Leaders Primary School, a nutritious meal can be the difference between attending school and staying home. With the support of Little Man Ice Cream, we have been able to provide these essential meals, ensuring that children are not only nourished but also able to focus and thrive academically.

Exploring Denver and Learning from Little Man Ice Cream

During her visit, Collines had the chance to explore the vibrant city of Denver and spend more time with the incredible team at Little Man Ice Cream. She visited their shops, met with the community, and engaged with their passionate employees and staff. This experience was eye-opening and inspiring, showcasing Little Man Ice Cream’s deep dedication to giving back and making a difference in the world.

The Impact of the Scoop For Scoop Program

Little Man Ice Cream’s Scoop For Scoop program is a shining example of effective philanthropy. For every scoop of ice cream sold, they donate a scoop of rice and beans to schools in need worldwide. This simple yet impactful initiative has provided countless meals to children who might otherwise go hungry. The program aligns perfectly with our mission at Far Away Friends, and we are immensely grateful for their ongoing support.

Inspired by Effective Philanthropy

We are profoundly inspired by companies like Little Man Ice Cream, who go above and beyond in their dedication to philanthropy. Their commitment to giving back is not just a corporate responsibility but a core value that drives their business. They understand that effective philanthropy can create lasting change and inspire others to follow suit.

Little Man Ice Cream’s example is a testament to the power of community and corporate responsibility. We encourage other companies to follow their lead and integrate effective philanthropic initiatives into their business models. By doing so, they can make a significant impact on the lives of those in need, foster a sense of community, and inspire positive change.

In conclusion, we extend our heartfelt thanks to Little Man Ice Cream for their incredible support and partnership.

Together, we are making a difference, one scoop at a time. Here's to sweet partnerships and a brighter future for all!


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